martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

My Course

It was a Monday afternoon when I get to know the teacher Elsa, I was afraid because I did not know how was it she. When she presented she was a friendly, that cute person, responsible, understanding, then stop being afraid; but even I was afraid because I was my turn to introduce myself and all my colleagues spoke very good English.

This school year has been very different and very special because when we started I had 33 weeks gestation, my baby was growing every day more and more. However, well I attended classes three times a week, the days pregnancy fatigue and felt more; including books and works I get when my baby was born. Everything went very fast the after day I attended to normal school, was a Thursday when 8:50 am when I had the great blessing of having her in my arms and meet my princess Isabella Fabiana, I started another experience in my life, and thanks my mother to I am supporting today I can say that without it I do not know if he managed to finish the course, she travels on Mondays and Thursdays returns to his home in Guanacaste.

My future goals are to have my own house, my focus to be dental office in a tourist area such as Samara, Nosara, Tamarindo. Able to offer to foreign and domestic excellent care and good oral quality, and to give my husband working as a dental assistant quality. 

In this course I had many experiences for example talk about my skills, such as protecting the environment, Geniuses and foundations that provide social support to people. They are very important issues that are related to the daily life of all people. When I got to talk about my skills I enjoyed it because I enjoy cooking and experimenting every day to do something different, but I've never done any cooking course; My mother taught me it has a lot of skill in the kitchen. On the other hand, have spoken about how to protect the environment is very important because today the world has suffered greatly from the man, global warming has been increasing every year which is of great involvement to health. Today there are different ways to protect the environment for example reduce, reuse, recycle.

On the other hand, human ingenuity is our way of thinking, working, build, interacts with others; it is the way of finding solutions to problems. Foundations are also very important institutions that exist today because they can and provide help to different people and people with diseases; they are people who need a helping hand. I feel happy when I help people who need me, I like to help those who need my parents have taught me to do charities and always without expecting anything in return, I am  happy just to provide me a happy smile.

After completing this course I am happy because I can say that I grew more as a person, I met new people with big hearts. It has been a difficult but I can say that not impossible. I am woman and mother a very happy, I love my family. Thanks God.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015



Malala's story

Malala was born on 12 july 1997, in Mingora. She was named Malala, after Malalai the famous Pasthun Heroine.

Malala’s father, Ziauddin Yousafzai is a poet, and runs a public school. He is a leading educational advocate himself. In 2009, Malala began writing an anonymous blog for the BBC expressing her views on education and life under the threat of the Taliban taking over her valley.

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 In 2011, she received Pakistan’s first National Youth Peace Prize and she was nominated by Archbishop Desmond Tutu for the International Children’s Peace Prize. Her increased profile and strident criticism of the Taliban caused Taliban leaders to meet, and in 2012, they voted to kill her.

Malala became a global advocate for the millions of girls being denied a formal education because of social, economic, legal and political factors.

She started the Malala Fund to bring awareness to the social and economic impact of girls’ education and to empower girls to raise their voices, to unlock their potential, and to demand change.

Malala is an exemplary woman, she is a role model today. Malala her struggle for goals and and helps other girls to get an education.

Berlín Patient

Berlín Patient

Who is Timothy Brown ?
The only person in the world to have been cured of HIV.
He Is named Patient Berlin.

There were many factors that helped the cure. It was
not easy. 
            1) Tim was infected with the HIV in 1995.
           2) He took a hard retroviral therapy.
           3) In 2009 he presented symptoms of fatigue, weakness , weight               loss and fever.
           4) Dr. Gero Hütter diagnosed him with leukemia .

Doctors conducted a bold experiment using a stem cell donor who was naturally resistant
to HIV infection.

What it means to be resistant  to HIV?
Only 1% of people have a mutation in the protein that allows the virus to enter the body. 

       •His actitud and faith
       •Determination of medical team
       •Retroviral therapy.
       •Bone marrow transplantation
       •The mutated protein CCR5

Comparative and superlative


Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared, in this pattern:
Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).

Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.
Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).

Irregular Comparative and Superlative

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Gerund and Infinitive


We use gerunds (verb + ing):
  • After certain verbs - I enjoy singing.
  • After prepositions - I drank a cup of coffee before leaving.
  • As the subject or object of a sentence - Swimming is good exercise.


We use 'to' + infinitive:
  • After certain verbs - We decided to leave.
  • After many adjectives - It's difficult to get up early.
  • To show purpose - I came to London to study English.

sábado, 18 de julio de 2015

Reported Speech

Reported Speech

Direct Speech

When we report exactly what someone else has said, we use the direct style.

Reported Speech

In general, when indirect speech is used, the tense changes.


Present perfect continuous

Present Perfect Continuous 


Future Continuous and Future Perfect 


Future Perfect